
'Senior Season' is upon us!.........

As parents of graduating seniors know, not only is this the time of year to get the 'perfect' portrait taken to commemorate the 'final' year, it's also usually the time to completely empty the bank account! Luckily, the parents who choose me as their photographer only have to endure one of those hardships!

I am, if anything, great value for money and understand that times are hard. However, quality doesn't go out the window when it comes to my taking a Senior Portrait..... as clearly evidenced by the following.....

If you are the parent and need your senior photographs done now at a GREAT price, call me! 440.669.0034

If you KNOW of someone who needs a senior photograph done, at a GREAT price, call me! 440.669.0034

Deadlines from the schools are approaching!!!!!


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